Hi! This is all the research that comes from my videos on here Maple Circuit - YouTube
This website is made using Obsidian with the obsidian-webpage-export plugin, couldn't make it without them!
This new website allows me to share my schematics. For optimization purposes, some complex schematic may be spread across multiple webpage.
Even if I'm letting you check at my notes, these are still made for my understanding. That means that they might be cryptic and riddled by grammar errors (; GL with that.
You can find all the directory on the left of your screen (≡ at the top for phones).
Video specific resources is inside the Videos dir, don't search for a script because I don't really use scripts.
All documented Linux function/subsystem should be in Linux→Kernel→General Functions.
This page is collection of all Linux related that was documented excluding FS,AMD/Intel specific stuff. The page is meant to be search so there is no logic to the placement of content there...
The STD dir contains a bunch of standard that are references elsewhere.
Kernel changes are under Linux→Kernel→Versions, I always try to include more than what I chose to cover in the vid, PS if it has a "-" in front of it, I probably didn't cover it in the vid!
Starting with Kernel 6.11, all my vids contain sources for everything I say. If I'm wrong on anything, please let me know as it means that I have a false conception of a specific concept, if you correct me, I would like some source. (; OF COURSE we can exempt all opinion vids from that, as Drama will always be there and is 99% of the time a problem with the understanding of 2 parties or differences in values, and in that case, sources are useless XD